Reducing Utility Bills During the Winter

Reducing Utility Bills During the Winter

Living in Canada, increased utility bills are inevitable during the long, harsh winters, but that doesn’t mean you can’t reduce them. With these five simple tips, you can decrease your utility bills this winter and save more of your hard-earned money. Replace Worn...
Supplement Your Furnace With a New Fireplace

Supplement Your Furnace With a New Fireplace

Could your furnace use a helping hand heating your home? A new fireplace could be just the boost your heating system needs to keep you and your family warm all winter long! Fireplaces are a great way to supplement the heat you get from your furnace on those...
Breathe Easier With a Whole Home Humidifier

Breathe Easier With a Whole Home Humidifier

November is National Lung Month, which makes it a great time to evaluate the quality of the air inside your home. Dry indoor air is one of the greatest impediments to your indoor air quality as the temperatures continue to drop. Not to worry, you can easily combat dry...
HVAC FAQs: Furnaces vs. Heat Pumps

HVAC FAQs: Furnaces vs. Heat Pumps

In Canada, having a reliable source of heat in our homes is a necessity that we can’t live without. When it comes to heating your home, there are two options to consider, forced air furnaces and ductless mini split heat pumps, but many homeowners aren’t aware of the...
Preventing Furnace Pipe Blockages

Preventing Furnace Pipe Blockages

One of the best parts of fall is the picturesque landscapes as the leaves change colours and fall to the ground. Unfortunately, those same leaves can be detrimental to your furnace if they enter the intake pipe. Don’t worry, preventing leaves from becoming furnace...
Indoor Air Quality Tips for The Fall

Indoor Air Quality Tips for The Fall

As we get further into fall and the temperature continues to drop, homeowners are beginning to shut their windows for the year, making indoor air quality increasingly important. We’ve compiled some air quality tips to help you breathe easy this fall and winter. Change...
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