Protect Your AC During Home Renovations

Protect Your AC During Home Renovations

Planning a home renovation for the long weekend? Before you get started, you should take the proper steps to protect your AC so it won’t get damaged during your renovation project. We’ve outlined five tips you can follow to ensure your home improvement project doesn’t...
Upgrade Condo Cooling With a Ductless Air Conditioner

Upgrade Condo Cooling With a Ductless Air Conditioner

With more and more people choosing to live in condos, it’s important to know which kind of heating and cooling system is best suited for condo living. Most condo cooling systems are inadequate—forcing tenants to use obtrusive and inefficient window air conditioners...
You Can Finance a New Air Conditioner

You Can Finance a New Air Conditioner

Installing a new air conditioner is a financial commitment and sometimes people haven’t budgeted to replace their cooling system. If you need to upgrade the AC before the summer but can’t afford the whole replacement cost—you can lower the initial investment by...
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