by bestkeptsecret | Feb 10, 2016 | Furnaces, Heating, News
Keeping your HVAC systems healthy is all about being proactive. Guarantee your comfort this winter by scheduling furnace maintenance as soon as possible. Even though winter started a little late this year, it’s important to remember that it’s still going to be here...
by bestkeptsecret | Dec 21, 2015 | Furnaces, HVAC Tips, News, Products
Where do you hide your gifts? Kids can get rather curious, and as each day passes the holiday season seems harder and harder to wait for. For this reason, all parents need a hiding spot. Some parents choose their closets, some choose under the bed, some choose a safe...
by bestkeptsecret | Nov 25, 2015 | Furnaces, News, Products
Your furnace is utilized to improve the comfort of your home, however if it’s not maintained properly it is unable to properly do its job. One of the main aspects of furnace maintenance is filter replacement. Furnace filters catch dust, hair and other debris in the...
by bestkeptsecret | Nov 12, 2015 | HVAC Tips
The closer we get to consistently negative temperatures, the closer old furnaces get to breaking down. It’s unfortunate timing, but furnaces that should have been replaced long ago have a tendency to break down on the days you need them most. When temperatures reach...
by bestkeptsecret | Oct 29, 2015 | HVAC Tips
It’s hard to know whether or not something has been done right if you’ve never seen it done before. That’s why the service industry can be a difficult one to navigate for consumers. After all, it’s not uncommon to have systems in your home that have a lifespan of...
by bestkeptsecret | Oct 16, 2015 | HVAC Tips, News
As Canadians, we’re supposed to embrace winter. While there’s a lot to look forward to (holidays, hockey, first snowfall), there’s one thing that no looks forward to…cold floors. HAMCO has the solution! Radiant In-Floor Heating. Also known as hydronic heating, this...