How Exactly Do Air Conditioners Work?

How Exactly Do Air Conditioners Work?

For many homeowners, when the temperature gets too warm inside, they simply adjust the thermostat and wait for the cool, comfortable air to come pouring through the vents and registers. Not many people think too much about how the cool air gets into their home—they’re...
Is Your Humidifier Off for the Summer?

Is Your Humidifier Off for the Summer?

When seasons change, there are a number of tasks that have to be accomplished. The first signs of spring prompt most people to deep clean their homes while the first snowflakes have homeowners scrambling to dust off shovels and snow blowers. Unfortunately, many people...
Summer Air Conditioner Prep

Summer Air Conditioner Prep

Our spring weather has been all over the map this year—one day is extremely hot while the very next day is ice cold, leaving people searching for their toques. We were even subjected to a week of rain and some of the worst flooding in recent history. Lost in the mess...
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