by bestkeptsecret | Jun 14, 2017 | Products
What’s SEER got to do with your AC? Plenty! SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating If it’s time to upgrade your air conditioner, you’re likely looking for a unit that will run as efficiently as possible. A heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)...
by bestkeptsecret | May 24, 2017 | News
Many homeowners believe that they only have two options when it comes to air conditioning their home or condo: a central air conditioner (CAC) or a window unit. Most would be surprised to know that there is another option—ductless mini split systems. They can be...
by bestkeptsecret | Mar 22, 2017 | Air Conditioners, Cooling, News
The weather may still be cold outside, but now is the perfect time to schedule your air conditioning replacement. If your cooling system is 10 years old or you’ve experienced any of these warning signs last summer, you’ll most likely need a new unit soon. Don’t wait...
by bestkeptsecret | Sep 9, 2015 | HVAC Tips
Air conditioners are complicated machines, and with complicated machines come complicated problems. So what is one of the most common A/C problems that people tend to encounter? Refrigerant charge (amount). Refrigerant is the substance that flows through your A/C to...