Home Furnace Myths Debunked

Home Furnace Myths Debunked

We’re always surprised that in a time when we can find the answers to almost any question with the press of a button, people continue to spread misinformation about even the most straight forward topics. There are several common home furnace myths that we want to...
Correcting Uneven Home Heating

Correcting Uneven Home Heating

Struggling with uneven heating in your home can be frustrating, but the answer isn’t to put on or remove woolly socks and warm sweaters as you move around your home. Uneven home heating is a common problem for homeowners across Canada, so we’ve broken down the causes...
Why Does My Furnace Keep Turning On and Off

Why Does My Furnace Keep Turning On and Off

We often get calls from homeowners who are concerned because their furnace is constantly turning on and off, which is also known as short-cycling. The causes and results of short-cycling are varied and can be minor or severe, so we’ve broken down everything you need...
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