HVAC Tips to Conquer the Cold This Winter

HVAC Tips to Conquer the Cold This Winter

With winter just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to prepare your HVAC system to battle the chill and prevent costly repairs when you need heat the most. To help you get ready for the colder months ahead, we’ve gathered some essential winter HVAC tips. 1....
Ideal Winter Humidity Levels for Your Home

Ideal Winter Humidity Levels for Your Home

Winter and its freezing cold temperatures bring dry air, which causes a variety of problems for your home and your health. Low humidity levels contribute to dry skin, static electricity, and damage to wood furniture and flooring. Fortunately, you can prevent these...
Why Is My New Wi-Fi Thermostat In Recovery Mode?

Why Is My New Wi-Fi Thermostat In Recovery Mode?

If you’ve ever gone to adjust your new modern WI-FI thermostat and noticed that it’s in recovery mode, this might make you feel nervous. If you don’t know what it means, this can make you feel like something is wrong with your thermostat or your HVAC system, like it’s...
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