by bestkeptsecret | Jun 28, 2016 | HVAC Tips
Your air conditioner is a highly complex machine that needs proper, professional maintenance to make sure that it will work as it should during the hot summer days. Hamilton, we know you are really starting to feel the summer heat already, and with it are bound to...
by bestkeptsecret | Jun 15, 2016 | HVAC Tips
HAMCO Heating & Cooling Ltd. is about more than just keeping your family comfortable, we also want to make sure our services offer you the best opportunity to live in a healthy home. Older HVAC systems and ones that use ducts can often collect more dust and debris...
by bestkeptsecret | Jun 15, 2016 | HVAC Tips
With the fast approach of Father’s Day (it’s next weekend!), you may be wondering how you can show your dad how much you appreciate him and all he’s done for you! Why not find a way to keep dad comfortable this Father’s Day? How, you ask? By ensuring that he’s not...
by bestkeptsecret | Jun 3, 2016 | HVAC Tips
Your HVAC system is a big investment, and needs to be treated as such! Proper annual maintenance of your home comfort systems is always recommended and should be done by a certified professional. If your home has an HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilator) or an ERV (Energy...
by bestkeptsecret | May 26, 2016 | HVAC Tips
As the seasons move from spring to summer, you may be starting to crank up your air conditioner. Keeping your home at a comfortably cool temperature is what you expected, but what you didn’t count on was struggling to keep your air conditioner quiet! That excessive...
by bestkeptsecret | May 18, 2016 | Air Conditioners, Cooling, News
Taking your air conditioner for granted is easy; you get out of the hot, sticky outdoors into your cool, comfortable home. But as the years go on, your air conditioner’s effectiveness begins to wane and eventually it calls it quits. When it starts to fail, the...