Keep Bills Low as Energy Prices Rise

Keep Bills Low as Energy Prices Rise

We’re always trying to help our customers reduce their energy consumption in order to lower their energy bills, but energy prices in Ontario keep rising. In November, the rates for electricity were raised an amount that would cost the average Ontario home owner an...
How to Improve Air Quality in Your Home

How to Improve Air Quality in Your Home

If you have a central air system, you also have a series of ducts that act as a passageway to distribute conditioned air throughout your home. To keep a healthy indoor air quality, you’ll need to change your filter. Over time, these ducts can build up dirt, mould,...
Furnace Repair That Warrants Replacement

Furnace Repair That Warrants Replacement

When you suffer a furnace breakdown in the middle of winter, fixing it is an absolute necessity. In certain circumstances, you’ll be faced with the difficult decision between furnace repair and replacement. Some of the more common parts that fail in older furnaces are...
Furnace Not Working? Snow Might be Your Problem

Furnace Not Working? Snow Might be Your Problem

Navigating through the up and down temperatures of this winter can be difficult, but if it recently snowed and you find your furnace not working, we may know why. While it is entirely possible that this could be a larger issue, especially if you have an older furnace,...
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