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Time to Get Your AC Ready for the Summer Weather
June has only just begun but we’ve already had a glimpse of the hot...
Finance a New Water Heater with HAMCO Heating & Cooling Ltd.
Being a homeowner can be expensive. Sometimes appliances and home...
Protect Your AC During Home Renovations
Planning a home renovation for the long weekend? Before you get...
Upgrade Condo Cooling With a Ductless Air Conditioner
With more and more people choosing to live in condos, it’s important...
You Can Finance a New Air Conditioner
Installing a new air conditioner is a financial commitment and...
3 Expert Tips to Extend the Life of Your Air Conditioner
HAMCO Heating & Cooling Ltd. has been in business since 1946 and...
Don’t Let Poor Indoor Air Quality Aggravate Seasonal Allergies
With the arrival of spring, many people are patiently waiting for...
Include AC Maintenance as Part of Your Spring Preparations
Spring is finally here and warm weather will soon follow. At HAMCO...
Scheduling HVAC Installation During a Home Renovation
Spring and summer is a time for home renovations! It’s exciting to...
Spring Safety and Cleaning Tips
This weekend, the clocks skip ahead an hour and we’ll “lose” an hour...
How Serious is a Furnace Short-Cycling?
More often than not—you’ll notice a change in your heating system...
Cost of a New Furnace in Southern Ontario
Many people contact us for a quote on their heating and cooling...
Buying a New High Efficiency Furnace
With the cold winter we’ve been having, a number of homeowners are...
Rent vs Own: Your Guide to Buying a Furnace
When purchasing a new home, expenses start to add up quickly and the...
What Does that Furnace Noise Mean?
Winter weather can take its toll. The long snowy days can have an...
HAMCO Heating & Cooling Ltd. Helps Combat Cancer
For the month of December, HAMCO Heating & Cooling Ltd. donated...
Please be Cautious of Door-to-Door Furnace Scams
HAMCO Heating & Cooling Ltd. is reminding all homeowners in the...
Have Pets? Don’t Sacrifice Indoor Air Quality!
Anyone that owns a pet knows how they can enrich your life—the...
Home Safety Tips for the Holidays
Clark Griswold had some struggles getting his home ready for the...
No Heat? No Problem—HAMCO Offers 24/7 Emergency No Heat Service
If you live in the Hamilton or surrounding area, rest assured that...
Reminder: Change Furnace Filters
Many furnace problems and furnace repairs can be avoided by simply...
Furnace Renting Myths and the Benefit of Financing
Replacing heating and cooling equipment in your home is a financial...
What’s a Furnace Red Tag and How Can You Avoid Getting One?
Have you ever heard of or seen a furnace red tag? If you have, you...
Why Won’t The Furnace Fan Turn Off?
When the house temperature falls below what the thermostat is set...
Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality During National Lung Month
November is National Lung Month and, as heating and cooling...
Tips to Keep in Mind When Buying a New High Efficiency Furnace
Buying a new high efficiency furnace is a big financial investment....
Reminder: Change Smoke Alarm Batteries This Weekend
At the beginning of spring, we urged all our customers to start a...
Pumpkin Carving Tips
Halloween is just a few days away, and it’s the perfect time to...
What You Can Expect During a Furnace Tune Up
In previous articles, we’ve discussed the importance of annual...
Autumn AC Maintenance Tips
As the leaves start to fall, many homeowners spend their weekends...
Improve Indoor Air Quality in Your Home
We spend a lot of time in our homes and consider it our safe place...
Make Sure to Clean and Check the AC Condensate Drain
While the weather this summer has been all over the map, we’ve had...
Increase Your AC Airflow With These Tips!
An air conditioner that is working correctly will produce cool air...
How Exactly Do Air Conditioners Work?
For many homeowners, when the temperature gets too warm inside, they...
The Importance of a Reputable HVAC Pro
We know that a lot goes into the upkeep of your home, especially...
Our Summer Round-Up of Hamilton Events
It’s no secret that we at HAMCO are very proud of being a part of...