Help Prevent AC Freezing

Help Prevent AC Freezing

If the air conditioner freezes, you’ll notice a significant drop in cool air flowing throughout the house and you’ll likely see a build-up of ice on the outdoor unit and the evaporator coil which sits above the furnace. If your coil freezes up, this may result in...
Air Conditioner Repair FAQ

Air Conditioner Repair FAQ

The middle of summer is about the time we start to receive numerous inquiries about air conditioner repair. These are the most common questions our customers have about scheduling an AC service call. What’s the cause of my air conditioner problem? It’s impossible to...
When to Call for AC Repair

When to Call for AC Repair

It’s important to know how to recognize when your cooling system is in need of an urgent fix and when to call for AC repair. Knowing the warning signs can help you take action before a minor issue becomes a major problem. Higher Energy Bills If you notice a spike in...
How Serious is a Furnace Short-Cycling?

How Serious is a Furnace Short-Cycling?

More often than not—you’ll notice a change in your heating system before it completely breaks down. Sometimes homeowners notice their furnace short-cycling and want to know how serious the problem is and how to fix it. What is Furnace Short-Cycling? When the...
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